Moses Quarshie

Moses Quarshie was the Investment & Business Development Advisor for the Accra Metropolitan Assembly. His responsibilities for this position involved management of the investment portfolio of the City of Accra including the Public Private Partnerships for the development of large City Infrastructural projects.

He is currently a member of the C40 Finance Facility Advisory Team for Africa which include world renowned financial advisors from the African Development Bank The CFF team advice on the design of training and engagement of Cities across Africa to structure bankable projects for financing.

Moses Quarshie has dealt extensively with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and his expertise on Cities’ local development agenda is acknowledged by the UNECA. He is widely acknowledged as an expert on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Africa and features as a resource person for the UNECA. ICLEI and Brookings Institute. He coordinated the delivery of the first ever reports on Voluntary Local Review, Computation of City GDP, Urban Economic Resilience Diagnostic Review and Economic Resilience and Recovery Plan for the City of Accra in 2020 and 2021. 

Moses Quarshie has worked with several private sector organizations where he still retains consulting roles. These include Nextreg ra Ghana limited, a local subsidiary of Nextregra LD.A in

Portugal, KAY SYSTEMS INTERNATiONAL which represents KONE in the Middle East and Africa and KLAFGO6 Limited, a local associate of CAPPA D’ALBERTO in Nigeria and International Building Investment AG and Construction & Engineering Investment AG in Switzerland and Liechtenstein respective Moses Quarshie worked with the prestigious Firm of Minkah-Premo & Co for nine years where he led advîsory work on Taxation and Legal Accounting. He led several tax review assignments and was the lead specialist in the review of the model petroleum agreement between the Government of Ghana and Anadarko. Moses Quarshie has significant relationships with key private sector entities in the Ghana’s construction industry because of
his experience in structuring joint ventures and joint agreements for construction projects. Moses Quarshie is a chartered accountant who holds postgraduate degree ¡n business economics from the University of Portsmouth. He has keen interest in the use of technology and an astute student of the financial market.
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